Recent content by meatthief

  1. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    I cannot find any trace of the OreDict Registration STDERR or the Anonymous Item Class SEVERE in my logs. Only thing left is the Late Registration which you already said is happening by design. Great work guys.
  2. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    Build #1064 - Good news on some fronts: GT-ERR-01: Completely Gone.... Fixed... Kaput Anonymous Item Class SEVERE: now down from 58 lines/items, down to just 2 lines: Late OreDict-Registeration SEVERE: This appears to have no change (sorry)...
  3. meatthief

    Blah Blah Blah

    Blah Blah Blah
  4. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    Build #1063 is still clean without Planets, but Planets still generates the same GT-ERR-01.
  5. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    You are correct sir.... without Planets installed, build 1057 comes up without the GT-ERR-01 error.
  6. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    Sorry... I just downloaded: Galacticraft-1.6.4- Galacticraft-Planets-1.6.4- MicdoodleCore-1.6.4- Same errors as before for IngotCopper and IngotTin (and the error disappear if I disabled all 3 GC jars): As for...
  7. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    Thank you sir, I will test this out as soon as possible.
  8. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    Broke the Forge Server Log into 5 Parts (about 4000 lines each) to fit on PasteBin: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: The STDERR that is added...
  9. meatthief

    GregTech complains when I add Galacticraft to my mod pack (errors go away after disabling GC)

    GregTech complains when I add follow jars to my mod pack (errors go away when I remove Galacticraft): Galacticraft-1.6.4- Galacticraft-Planets-1.6.4- MicdoodleCore-1.6.4- Is there a way to fix this? Is GregTech just being too sensitive? Will this...