Recent content by SkylordJoel

  1. S

    Galacticraft Eclipse Error

    Now I know why Galacticraft has hardly any add ons.
  2. S

    Different Spaceships

    Uh yeah. Maybe. Working on this as an add-on but micdoodle did a mistake in the moon code.
  3. S

    Galacticraft Eclipse Error

    Found the problem - change field_76246_e to Material.rock in the moon code. However, someone has to tell micdoodle this.
  4. S

    Galacticraft Eclipse Error

    Hi, I am making a new galacticraft dimension like the space station. For starters, I ran the code to check if I had make any stupid mistakes. It crashed with this: ---EDIT--- I fixed the dependancy problem in the first one. It still crashes. ---EDIT---...
  5. S

    Different Spaceships

    Yeah, the second one. Except this is top tier and allows any coded planet.
  6. S

    Different Spaceships

    It is a base which looks like a ship with the added option to teleport to a different planet. You can think of the dimension it is in as hyperspace.
  7. S

    Different Spaceships

    Hi, I was playing on Galacticraft when I thought: Hmm, wouldn't it be awesome to have a spaceship dimension where you can build an epic spaceship. So if that didn't make sense, you would travel using a shuttle on a launchpad to a menu which says 'Spaceship' or whatever you call it. This will be...
  8. S

    Minecraft will not load with Galacticraft and FluidMechanics!

    Oh yeah, and with it gives: 2013-04-03 17:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: universalelectricity/components/common/BCLoader, method: preInit signature: (Lcpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLPreInitializationEvent;)V) Bad type in...
  9. S

    Minecraft will not load with Galacticraft and FluidMechanics!

    Tried that, this is what error came out: 013-04-03 17:35:25 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: fluidmech/common/FluidMech, method: preInit signature: (Lcpw/mods/fml/common/event/FMLPreInitializationEvent;)V) Bad type in putfield/putstatic...
  10. S

    Minecraft will not load with Galacticraft and FluidMechanics!

    Also another bug is Mekanism's solar panels won't work on the the moon or in space even if I set it to day.
  11. S

    Minecraft will not load with Galacticraft and FluidMechanics!

    I saw how Galacticraft was now a Universal Electricity mod, so I installed FluidMechanics. Minecraft would not load. Here is the error report: Client Galacticraft Alpha v0.1.30 Universal Forge: Build for 1.5.1Other installed mods: FluidMechanics and Mekanism (tested earlier and worked)...