Recent content by Wander

  1. Wander

    Oxygen gear & Thermal padding not visible when worn.

    Log is very long. Too long apparently for pasting here or on pastebin (without a pro account) so how should I post this? I initially thought that the backpack mod might have been causing issues (because you can wear the backpacks) but I've worn the packs before with all Galacticraft equipment...
  2. Wander

    Oxygen gear & Thermal padding not visible when worn.

    I honestly have no idea how this has happened. I've been using version 1.7- since it was released and this issue has only come up about a week ago. I haven't added or removed any mods, I don't have any mods that cause issues with displaying it on my character (at least I think I don't)...
  3. Wander

    Oxygen Storage Cluster

    The amount of oxygen stored in a module just doesn't suffice for me so I was hoping maybe in a future update we could have something like an energy storage cluster except for oxygen. Thoughts? P.S. Also made a thread about implementing blocks of silicon (9 silicon crafted into a single block)...
  4. Wander

    Block of Silicon

    Fortune III pick. After using a fortune III pick on silicon ore you'll quickly fill up a large chest with silicon. It's really annoying.
  5. Wander

    Website download has weird error message

    EDIT: Nevermind it's all working again. Just delete the thread now it has no purpose. Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place. Tried to access the download page and was greeted with the following: Unhandled Exception Message: Error rendering view: [mods.galacticraft.downloads]...
  6. Wander

    Block of Silicon

    I checked the list of frequently suggested things before posting. Nothing there about this. Pretty much every ore in the game has a block that it can be crafted into (e.g. block of tin, block of copper etc.) which makes storage really compact. However I've noticed silicon does not have a block...
  7. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    That image is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Ezer'Arch and EnderSpace for all your help you guys are awesome.
  8. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    Peaceful feels like cheating to me. Some people are okay with it but I feel it's just a cop out for when you're going to die. If a creeper is about to blow me up, I'd rather take the beating then change the difficulty. The Arc lamp is something that requires me to go to mars. And I've already...
  9. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    I can do that, but my next problem is that mobs are everywhere. I did a thorough job on the caves under my base so the second it's dark enough mobs are on every block in sight (not literally but there's a whole lot). My buildings have been creeped enough for me to sleep everytime it's night. I...
  10. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    Thanks, that info makes sense. I built a display screen because I thought maybe there would be something on there that would tell you moon time but there wasn't. Now for the next problem. Finding a way to easily view the moon phase without spending weeks on yet another build. Oh who am I...
  11. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    So they are linked to the phases? Also I have a really hard time telling what phase is what. I know that full moon is the whole moon but looking at this image I see 2 new moons and I don't know if this is the proper order.
  12. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    I have but this really isn't helpful. It only tells me what time value = day or night on the moon. And that's pretty useless info after you've played for months and the time is probably in the million value. Also it says 1 moon cycle is 8 overworld days but as far as I'm aware there is no way...
  13. Wander

    When is it daytime on the Moon?

    Hi. I'm a long time lurker of the forum and decided to finally make an account because something really bugs me. It's really hard to tell what time it is on the moon and trying to go there while it's still light out seems to be a guessing game. I want to know, is the time on the moon in any way...