Galacticraft Forum

There both jerks, together forever :D
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
It's ok vigilante if you want to be wolfboy's little fan club president and only member.

If calling some little kid out on his constant bullshit and whining make me a jerk so be it. I'd rather be a jerk than what ever the hell he is or be part of his fan club.

Yeah. I know you two have got a little private discussion going on so you can both hate me together and for no reason.
First of all, I've even stated in said conversation that I'm not part of the hate group. Second, I'm only a friend of his so thats why I tend to be on his side more than someone elses. I've still disagreed with him before just as I have disagreed with you.
I can see how you might think that I'm a member of his "fan club" but your wrong when you say that. The only reason you two fight all the time is because wolf is opinionated and generally hates all ideas that aren't his, and well, you both like to reply to eachother.
Generally I try not to reply to such arguments, but I can give proof that am not always on his side. I'm sorry if I bothered you by giving that post, what I was trying to say in it was that I'm really not on either side of any argument you have due to the fact that in my eyes both of you say some stupid things and some valid thing
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
Yeah like it's my problem that he hates any idea that isn't his, and hates anyone that doesn't like the ideas that are his. I don't really give a shit what he likes or doesn't. If he's going to be that way, then he has no business being here in the first place.
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
As you can see from comments I've left on my profile, he was the exact same way at the FTL forums, and they didn't want him there either.

I've lost count of the number of times I've told him to STFU with his whining and to grow the fuck up. He's obviously not interested in changing his behavoir, so I think it's time he just GTFO.
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
No one wanted his shit on the FTL forums, and we don't want it here either. If moderators were around more, I'm sure he would have been banned by now just like that Alex kid was.

I'm starting to hope that a moderator does show up, and he does get banned.
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
I really feel sorry for you that you're actually his friend. It only reflects badly on you. As they say:

"Friends are like mirrors. You can see your reflection in them."

I sure as hell wouldn't want any part of me to be a reflection of that little immature twat.
Then if your as mature as you say, just ignore us "immature twats"
That insult of his shows it all xD. Also, cow, you've got stuff wrong too. I'm no idea hater, or hater of people who disagree with my ideas. May have looked like it, may have been the case, but it isn't now. And then there's this: it wasn't meant to be a hater group, but a place do actually discuss his behaviour. Was
he being right? Was he doing bad things? Was I doing bad things? Was I right? Not just hate. :p

Also, how am I immature? What 'ave I done, apart from look like what I said I'm not? Eh? Eh? Huh, bub? (LOL)
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
Yeah the problem with that is that "He" by which I assume you mean me, hasn't done anything wrong.

You're the one constantly whining and crying because I didn't like your bad ideas.
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
@Vigilantecow: I shouldn't have to ignore anyone. He should just STFU already.
No. Ugh... listen to what I say.

I never, or certainly not NOW have any problem with a person disagreeing with my ideas!
You kinda do..
No it is not. I can see that you're being a little bit cocky yourself. Check first to see if there aren't any self-locked topics or anything left.

I do not care for fights. *hugs*
Dex Luther
Dex Luther
You don't care for fights yet you whine and cry about me everywhere and start them.

I don't know how many times I've told you to stfu about me, but every chance you get you say something in reference to me not liking your dumb ideas.