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  1. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    With version 1.2.4 Galaxy Space release version v1b10 Galaxy Additions! And so, briefly from the changes: 1. Synchronized the position of the planets on the holographic map with the position of the bodies in the space dimension. 2. Space dimension! While in Beta, so available on the command...
  2. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    In current moment we working to port Galaxy Additions to Minecraft 1.12.2! There are some ported stuff (image below)
  3. AndreySV

    Deep Space in GC4? [BETA PREVIEW]

    Ok thank you! I hope it will be added to the game soon))
  4. AndreySV

    Deep Space in GC4? [BETA PREVIEW]

    What is deep space dimension? How to get there? and more questions to @radfast
  5. AndreySV

    What would happen if humans tried to land on Jupiter

    oh it's bad idea to land on Jupiter :D But what's at the bottom of Jupiter?
  6. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    New version! Yay! Download(BUILD 9): Link: (if link don't work, copy the link in the address bar) Min build Galacticraft 3 - 502 Download 502 build: ============================================================== Min...
  7. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    Galaxy additions can't work with Galaxy Space 1.1.9 Please download Galaxy Space 1.1.3 or below Soon I'll make a compatibility with 1.1.9 version
  8. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    In next version will be added achievements!)
  9. AndreySV

    Modpack The Giant Galaxy modpack [1.7.10]

    Hey genius64! please replase ManySystems to GalaxyAdditions (its project now is active)
  10. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    In current time addon frozen until summer =) Summer we have more time for addon developing. EDIT: "we" because the addon is developed by a team not one person.
  11. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Update space station

    Structure file coming soon...
  12. AndreySV

    Addon [1.7.10] Galaxy Additions [For Galacticraft 3] [NO LONGER SUPPORTED]

    New version available for download! Version: 1.8. Download: (if link don't work, copy the link in the address bar)
  13. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Venus Village

    Because technology has come to this)
  14. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Venus Village

    Whether on Mars more than 1 biome in GC 4? About abandoned villages on Mars.. Yes, I agree :)
  15. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Venus Village

  16. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Venus Village

    No.. It's realy.. USSR's probe "Venus-8" soft landed on Venus. But then broken from the atmospheric pressure and high temperature
  17. AndreySV

    [1.8.9] Venus Village

    Otherwise can add abandoned villages)