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  1. J

    Vertical links for Oxygen Pipes and Power

    I don't know if it's something I'm just not seeing how to do, but I can't get the oxygen pipe or power openings on galacticraft machines to face the top or bottom of the blocks. If that is currently not possible, (I am using version 410 I think because I'm on the FTB Unleashed pack) it would be...
  2. J

    New Mobs and new structures

    There are ways to add other planets to the mod, if you are actually that impatient. Though more features on said planets/moons would be a cool idea afterwards.
  3. J

    tier 1 boosters?

    You can collect the schematic for the Tier 2 Rocket on the moon from the dungeon chests, but you can't actually USE the schematic yet.
  4. J

    Parallel buttons and levers for air-lock doors

    So yes, an airlock switch block lol It would also be more helpful (in my opinion) if the default for airlocks was closed instead of open. I haven't been able to find anything saying why it's currently set to open unless a signal is applied, seems backwards to me.