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  1. SpwnX

    Galacticraft in 'hard mode' modpacks - discussion

    My suggestions are the following: Config to disable GC cables (so you have to handle power transfer using the mods you have at hand, IC2 and GT5 in my case). Config to disable the storage module/clusters (no universal energy bridge that may be incovenient and overpowered for some cases). Config...
  2. SpwnX


    And you can walk outside without a spacesuit, nah.
  3. SpwnX

    Infinite Oxygen Tank (Creative ONLY, like the Infinite Battery)

    Why if you already dont need oxygen on creative.
  4. SpwnX

    Gregtech confiq

    GregTech added meta materials for everything registered on the dictionary and that includes desh. You can't do anything about it. Neither GC (without hacking). Anyways, those materials will NOT change anything on your gameplay till you play GT for 1.7 (where meta tools using meta materials are...
  5. SpwnX


    I'd like just actually use vanilly breath bar (if possible without bytecode injections) , making it deplete as if you were underwater if no oxygen is present. Anyways, that is a good suggestion.
  6. SpwnX

    Heat meter for cold and hot planets

    I prefer external temperature and the higher the difference, the more energy the suit would use to maintain a stable temperature. You would die in a few seconds if you were unable to cool/heat yourself on extreme temperature differences so it doesn't matter the body temperature.
  7. SpwnX

    Heat meter for cold and hot planets

    The temperature meter would detect temperature changes during day-night cycle or during special events [like falling in lava or in "frozen" water].
  8. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    Both apple and oranges are fruits aswell. @mekanism: UE branch doesnt fit my modpack (IC²-GT based)
  9. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    But I don't want mekanism. I personally dislike the UE branch of mods. GC is a forge mod too and that doesn't mean anything. It is just a lack of general crossmod compatibility (aka not use standard forge fluid system) of both GC and mekanism.
  10. SpwnX

    Heat meter for cold and hot planets

    Adding some ideas: Spacesuits would be required for any dimension on "outer space", otherwise you will take damage and die within seconds. Spacesuits would be charged and its depletion rate would depend on the outer temperature and radiation levela with those being based on planet atmosphere and...
  11. SpwnX

    Oxygen mechanics rework

    Actually the CO2 on sealed spaces is merely for oxygen recycling and on the space suit it is a small tweak to increase difficulty.
  12. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    As long i can use liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as "oxygen" and "hydrogen" in other mods, i'm fine. Also just reduce all oxygen numbers by a factor of 10 and it can be used on other systems without many restraints.
  13. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    Okay, now i get it, and that is something that must be done. I tought it was obvious that changing oxygen to forge fluid would cause that. Hence my oxygen rework suggestion treating oxygen/carbon dioxide as a fluid, with the measures on buckets/milibuckets.
  14. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    Dispite there being other gases that are piped down as fluids, and this is minecraft, you can store gas in "liquid" tanks. GregTech is an example >.< (methane, hydrogen, deuterium and tritium), why not oxygen too?
  15. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    No you are not understand what i'm talking about. I'm talking about forge fluid tanks (Buildcraft tanks , Railcraft tanks, gregtech tanks and many others), which can store ANY fluid that is registered on the forge fluid dictionary and i would like if GC registered oxygen to that dictionary and...
  16. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    I want to store GC oxygen in other mods tanks (GregTech quantum tank in this case) and i cant take oxygen out of GC network because it is not a forge fluid.
  17. SpwnX

    Earth too Small

    Actually, minecraft surface area is much bigger than earth surface. MC surface is 3,600,000,000,000,000 square meters, or 3,600,000,000 square kilometers, while earth is 510,000,000 square kilometers. Thus, MC earth representation from the moon has to be seven times bigger than real earth...
  18. SpwnX

    Oxygen mechanics rework

    Oxygen, as it is now, is very easy to obtain and maintain. I propose a change on how the oxygen system works. Oxygen is primarily obtained through water electrolyzation. Oxygen usage is modified (to be explained below). Two new fluids are added to the forge dictionary (oxygen and carbon...
  19. SpwnX

    Integrate oxygen to the forge fluid dictionary.

    This is a (probably) a simple one, integrate oxygen to the fluid dictionary and accept it as an input/output for GC machines. Useful for inter-mod compatibility.
  20. SpwnX

    About properties and values of wires and electrical machineries

    The Input bar could be relative to the output bar. The graphical limit of both is the maximum output. You can still input more than the numerical value of the maximum output, but it will be shown using multipliers for simplicity. For example : Maximum output of 50 kW Input is 75 kW Input bar...