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  1. C


    With the redstone update to be released on the 13th, is the mod 1.5 ready? Will you tell us when we can update our minecraft? (P.S. sorry, couldn't work out where to put this)
  2. C

    Ingot blocks into ingots and exp from smelting

    I agree with both points, I have too much aluminium, it almost needs its own chest (which should have got me tonnes of xp, too...)
  3. C

    Improved Mobs

    I think mobs should sometimes drop their oxygen tanks, like they sometimes do when they've spawned with armor
  4. C


    Not so sure if this is a bug, exactly, or whether it was just forgotten or deliberately left out, but I don't seem to get experience when smelting ores to ingots with the new ores like I do for the old ones.