Here Is an idia!


Mar 10, 2013
I have an idia do u know how u put in the stuff for moders to make planets or even there own soler systems? Well seeing how you made the moon map render with its own map gen i was thinking if you could add a random planet genorater (after you build our soler system) with the abitly to fly through the space map as a 2D mini game as well as to elaberat on the exploration of the space system. also I think to make this work there should be the abilty to make ship parts (than can be turned in to a mother ship that has to be out in orbet (and the abilty to xplore the in side of it when in space (and for smp have it so only the owner of the mother ship can let other people in) aslo i think it would be cool if once the mother ship was built (like a fucanig fram that could be used as a small mother ship) would be able to be up graded and fully custem misable by using block/parts that can only be placed on the mother ship (in order for this part to work there will need to be a door to go to the out side of the ship (when out side of the ship u need the portable oxigen shoot to breath and there will be 0 gravity (so make the controls alot like crative mode for movment when our side the ship) and the ship fram that will not be costmisable will have one door on eather side of it as and in order to add more things on to it like dores to other rooms and what not the player needs to first put hall blocks to make floors and to then make the secsions that are in batwin the room parts that will make the ship operasinal for travil betewn soler systems and to only be able to fast travel to planets or star systems that the player has gone befor)

Sorry for my spelling (my spelling skills sucks so i cant do anthing to fix it right now)


Mar 10, 2013
ya but u have to open the file with win rare with out having it be zipped then go to the file called micdoodle8 and open that up then go to the only file in ther and open that up then open up the file that has the name of the mod then open up the API folder. and there is where u will find all the API files u need but i cant use them for i dont know how.


Mar 10, 2013
btw i tryed to go to ur sever but could not becuse it has to many mods on it and i cant even load the full luncher pack i can only open the light pack


Feb 12, 2013
Its not in there anymore. I removed it because i forgot to ask micdoodle for permissions and i dont wanna make him mad

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