Option to disable parachest generation when Galacticraft's dimentional tp command is used


Jul 27, 2016
Title pretty much explains what I'm lookin to find. Either a perm config option or an extra argument on the command line (false) to teleport a player but not spawn a parachest with them. I wanted a way to provide a teleport to a space station as an option for rich and/or lazy people. (cost per use/cooldown) Having an option to tell GC where you want spawn to be on other planets or the ability to pass x,y,z loc to the gctp command would probably benefit more than just me..

Also =\ it would be nice if we could move the space station landing pad block without the server getting stuck in an endless "error: ticking chunk" crash loop. (or was that just me on KCauldron? using thermos now and not brave enough to try again)

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