Oxygen Distributor on Moon


Feb 13, 2013
I was using the oxygen distributor on the moon. I had two in a row and they made two bubbles. I destroyed one and the game crashed. I have no idea why! Here's the error report:
      Minecraft has crashed!     
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Ticking tile entity
A full error report has been saved to /Users/1029chris/Library/Application Support/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2013-02-15_11.54.12-server.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash :(
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT ade3149d --------
Full report at:
/Users/1029chris/Library/Application Support/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2013-02-15_11.54.12-server.txt
Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!
Generated 2/15/13 11:54 AM
-- Head --
    at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir.g(GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir.java:17)
-- Tile entity being ticked --
    Name: Breathable Air // micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir
    Block type: ID #0
    Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
    Block location: World: (-95,57,147), Chunk: (at 1,3,3 in -6,9; contains blocks -96,0,144 to -81,255,159), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)
    at yc.h(World.java:2151)
    at in.h(WorldServer.java:516)
-- Affected level --
    Level name: GalaticraftTest
    All players: 1 total; [iq['1029chris'/101, l='GalaticraftTest', x=-94.23, y=57.00, z=146.46]]
    Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 443 Drop: 0
    Level seed: -8298230735358196979
    Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
    Level generator options:
    Level spawn location: World: (0,0,0), Chunk: (at 0,0,0 in 0,0; contains blocks 0,0,0 to 15,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
    Level time: 0 game time, 0 day time
    Level dimension: 0
    Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
    Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
    Level game mode: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:680)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:599)
    at bdz.q(IntegratedServer.java:170)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:497)
    at fy.run(SourceFile:849)
-- System Details --
    Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
    Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.8.2
    Java Version: 1.6.0_35, Apple Inc.
    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.
    Memory: 228984128 bytes (218 MB) / 530186240 bytes (505 MB) up to 530186240 bytes (505 MB)
    JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx512m
    AABB Pool Size: 1689 (94584 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 1614 (90384 bytes; 0 MB) used
    Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed
    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 3, tallocated: 63
    FML: MCP v7.26 FML v4.7.4.520 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.4.6_HD_U_C3 8 mods loaded, 8 mods active
    mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    mod_CodeChickenCore [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    mod_NotEnoughItems [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    mod_ChatBubbles [mod_ChatBubbles] (ChatBubbles146b_4185077.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    mod_ReiMinimap [mod_ReiMinimap] ([1.4.7]ReiMinimap_v3.2_06.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    GalacticraftCore [Galacticraft Core] (Galacticraft-Alpha-0.0.2.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available
    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
    Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
    Player Count: 1 / 8; [iq['1029chris'/101, l='GalaticraftTest', x=-94.23, y=57.00, z=146.46]]
    Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
    Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge,fml'
java.lang.ClassCastException: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir cannot be cast to micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityOxygenDistributor
    at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir.g(GCCoreTileEntityBreathableAir.java:17)
    at yc.h(World.java:2151)
    at in.h(WorldServer.java:516)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:680)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:599)
    at bdz.q(IntegratedServer.java:170)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:497)
    at fy.run(SourceFile:849)
--- END ERROR REPORT c1309de9 ----------

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