Retrogeneration of Galacticraft ores on a custom map in forge 1.12.2 server.


May 30, 2020
Hi, I'm triying to do retrogeneration for galacticraft ores in a 1.12.2 forge server, with a custom map (Minecraft version 1.9, Apterra is the name of the map, downloaded from planetminecraft). I tried with two mods, CoFH and ChunkPregenerator.

I have no success with CoFH World, tried turning on and off the options for retrogen in config/galacticraft/core.conf and in config/cofh/world/config.cfg.
I have used the example of galacticraft.json found here in the forums and updated the ore names of galacticraft 1.12.2.

With ChukPregenerator, I only retrogenerated Aluminium and Oil. I did turn on overworld ores on config/Galactigraft/core.conf. And used for ChunkPregenerator.

I have searched in google, discord, reddit, and I'm clueless, there is a lack of step by step tutorials for doing retrogeneration on custom maps, don't know why.

I would appreciate any help on the topic.

This is my galacticraft.json file:
"aluminum": {
"distribution": "uniform",
"generator": {
"type": "cluster",
"block": {
"name": "galacticraftcore:basic_block_core",
"metadata": 7},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"cluster-size": 7
"cluster-count": 18,
"min-height": 32,
"max-height": 62,
"retrogen": true,
"biome": "all",
"dimension": {
"restriction": "blacklist",
"value": [1,-1]
"silicon": {
"distribution": "uniform",
"generator": {
"type": "cluster",
"block": {"name": "galacticraftcore:basic_block_core", "metadata": 8},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"cluster-size": 7
"cluster-count": 3,
"min-height": 8,
"max-height": 35,
"retrogen": true,
"biome": "all",
"dimension": {
"restriction": "blacklist",
"value": [1,-1]

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