satellites, thicker moon dust, asteroid belt, beter sensor glasses

Mar 11, 2013
munce of stuff i came up with:

-satellites: like making your own satellites on the overworld or other planets and shut them in the atmosheer like the missles of voltz.
*scan satellite:
in three variants;
/mob scan satellites (scanning from mods on your location (surface only).).
/map scan satellites (improve the map funcion on a really large eria).
/ore scan satellites (scaning the survers and a little underground for ores).

*defending satellites: (take out mods in a selected eria).
* telescoops: (you have to discover the planet/moon first bevore you can go there. the more advanced your telescoop is, the farter you can scan.).

-thicker moon dust:
the moon is really nice done but the dust is way thicker then a single top layer, you can make dust blocks that can work like sand. (only large creaters like lunar maria are one cover layer dust thick).

-asteroid belt:
theres a asteroid belt betwin jupiter and saturn, without that belt life wasnt possible in the first place on our earth/overworld.
it could be a really nice resorse place for metior iron, iron, titanium, ice, water and much more!

-beter sensor glasses:
the once now are very good as well but give you a bit of a tunnle vision.
you could upgrate them as goggles ( ). same like radair but also with a small and simple mini map and mob traker (when a mob come within a 3 block range the thing begin blipping.).

thats for now...
so bring on your feedback / criticism!
my body is realdy e_e
Mar 15, 2013
I mean with spelling. Check over your post. No offence. Plus, Telescoops sounds like some futuristic ice cream scoop machine.

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