Recent content by PeppermintPig

  1. P

    Oxygen gear doesn't work underwater?

    Obviously good idea deserves support!
  2. P

    I didn't notice that! Neat!!!

    I didn't notice that! Neat!!!
  3. P

    Ships as Maps + Tech Ideas

    micdoodle8 could add a limiter for number of orbiting vessels, even basing it on size of the planet. In a multiplayer setting it would be great to see simulated space travel where, once a course is set in, players must wait aboard the ship/map to reach their destination, and an animated star...
  4. P

    Ships as Maps + Tech Ideas

    Here's my general proposal to expand on orbital stations and using empty orbital maps as ships themselves: 1. Using a launch rocket, players have the option to select Orbit 'x' from the navigation menu, where x is the planet they are launching from. This opens up an orbit/space station map...
  5. P


    Learned the hard way that I couldn't use beds on the moon in my little moonbase loft. Now I'm a loony lunarian with sleep deprivation!
  6. P

    Galacticraft including other mods

    Lapito's Galacticraft bundle is #2 in the rankings on the Technic Launcher site. It comes with some great mods, including Redpower2 for its tekkit core. While I prefer to see a mod stay true to its intended function, I wouldn't mind seeing compatibility with Redpower2, particularly the...
  7. P

    Enhancing space stations -- orbital construction yard

    I don't think the suggestion was that of a moving ship, but using a map to represent the ship, cur25. If it was done that way there would need to be a back-end system coded so that the mod managed which celestial body your ship/map was associated with, and perhaps the mod could display the...
  8. P

    Rename NASA workbench?

    Aerospace Workbench. It describes what it's for without complicating matters with nationalist titles. Aerospace engineering is about aircraft and spacecraft design.
  9. P

    Oxygen fills room, not outside :)

    Not unlike the flow of water, there would need to be a whole dynamic for the tendency of oxygen in a vacuum to occupy that vacuum. I'm not sure how system intensive it would be, but it would always have to be checking supply/pressure and whether it had sufficient supply to fill the room...
  10. P

    A Modest Lunar Base

    Nothing particularly special here. Just a few shots of our first Lunar Base, running Lapito's Galacticraft bundle from the Technic Launcher. I am mostly pleased with this bundle and hope to find or set up a server for it or a similar implementation of Galacticraft with Redpower2 at least...
  11. P

    Space Travel?

    Since there was an interest to allow players to customize their space ships, to what extent is the customizing used to effect space transit, or is there any interest to implement that in the future? Space travel brings up several challenges and ideas. Here are my concerns... 1. f you...