Alternate Oxygen System


Mar 10, 2013
I have an idea for an alternate oxygen system that I think would be pretty fun and more realistic, however it would probably(not certain) require it being a coremod. Disclaimer, I have not actually gotten up to the build rockets stage in my private server, so I have not actually tested the current one, just read about it.

Essentially it would work like water, or possibly real air. Air blocks would have a value from 0(space) to 255(earth), and it would disperse in the 6 adjacent directions by essentially equalizing between the them. So in outer space any oxygen released would disperse into nothing, but in contained buildings it would contain the oxygen, with after a couple of seconds the room would be at an average oxygen level. If the dispersion was slow enough removing one block could start to suck out all the oxygen, but still have enough time for the user to quickly replace the block.

If a room lost all of its oxygen, if you designed your base properly the airlocks/doors would stop oxygen from escaping from all of your base so you would have enough time to escape.

Trees would slowly generate oxygen(or rather leaves) and the player would suffer penalties at lower oxygen levels. Possibly 1-64 = Start drowning, 65-128 = Fatigued(move slow?), 129-192 = Slow/No healing?, 193-255 = Perfectly normal functioning.


Mar 10, 2013
Like MMM! Love that mod, moved on to this awesome one because I couldn't go to the MMM moon with my 70+ mods. And I agree about the oxygen levels, however, to be fair, wouldn't the oxygen generate from plants pile up, so it'd become increasingly more oxidized? Also, make it so water cannot be placed on the moon or any other celestial body (with the exception of Europa and Neptune's water oceans, Saturn and Jupiter's hydrogen oceans, and Titan's methane oceans) without being contained. Ditto with lava, except on planetary bodies. So it'd instantly become obsidian on the moon. Or smooth stone. Either way.


Mar 10, 2013
I haven't seen that mod before, but yea, kinda like that. To keep it simple I would imagine the limit being 255(or whatever) which is essentially earth level. So the plants would go from low oxygen and keep generating until earth level. To make it more interesting it could also be that plants only function at 1/4 earth oxygen so you have to bring oxygen from earth(mincraft?) to start to be self sufficient.
I imagine it would be pretty easy to make water be destroyed when exposed to vacuum, (ice for 1/4 oxygen?) and for lava to be obsidian-ised upon low-none oxygen.

Jeron L

Mar 10, 2013
Re: this type of oxygen system - I think it would work pretty well, though I think you'd have to have some kind of functionality that notices multiple adjacent blocks. E.g. two adjacent blocks of some oxygen distribution device would have a greater reach than just one. That way you can have larger areas (e.g. domes) which are entirely filled with oxygen.

Probably trees would need some starting oxygen to get going - they wouldn't function too well in a vacuum. You could conceivably take this from the homeworld with you, or potentially get it through alternate ways that aren't as long-term as tree-filled domes or devices which channel it elsewhere from such treefilled domes.

Incidentally, you could probably have a completely chemical alternative - have an electrical device (solarpowered?) which generates oxygen from nearby flowing water (presumably in some enclosed space) so that you split it in oxygen and hydrogen. The device would probably also be able to double as a basic fuel generator for some things, though any such use would also require oxygen itself, so it's more of a roundabout way of turning electricity into propellant.

Re: obsidian, I actually think that hardening lava shouldn't necessarily be the same thing on each world since not each world is made of the same stuff. Maybe you could get some neat differently textured variants out of this. :)


Mar 10, 2013
@programmdude you also have to consider, if there is heat above freezing then the water will simply evaporate rather than freeze. So, if you had a furnace running next to a water block and the room was suddenly depressurized, it would disappear. You could also add a heating system as well into that, so if you were to take of your mask in a recently pressurized room, which would be the temperature of a vacuum (absolute zero, although the THERMAL energy would be much more during the day), you'd snap-freeze. Which means all your organs turn to mush if they are ever melted.


Mar 10, 2013
And add a thermometer to measure the temperature so you KNOW when whether or not you'll snap-freeze.


Mar 11, 2013
I was hoping this was the oxygen system when I first heard of the mod. I like the idea of having to make a dome base to contain a breathable environment.

If this could be done this mod would be the best ever.

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