GC3 core build help


Nov 8, 2014
This isn't strictly for a GC addon, but this seems to be the most appropriate forum;

I'm trying to work with GC3 Core so I can submit a pull request to improve mod compatibility with some food items. I've successfully forked and built various other mods, and written two (stupid simple) ones of my own, so I know my basic Forge setup is good, but I've never worked with one with the kind of more-complex setup of GC (prerequisite mods - new to me).

When I add my GC3 project to my Eclipse workspace, Eclipse freaks out with 344 errors, mostly of the "cannot be resolved to a type" kind (AltForVersion cannot be resolved to a type, Annotations cannot be resolved to a type, etc etc").

I've gone through http://wiki.micdoodle8.com/wiki/Compiling_Workspace and http://wiki.micdoodle8.com/wiki/GC3_API#Full_Galacticraft_Sources already - but I still get all those errors. Nowhere in those pages does it say anything about adding the MicdoodleCore mod somewhere, and I'm wondering if that's part of my problem... but I haven't got a clue how to add it to try that out.

Anyone know what these errors mean and how to resolve them?


Staff member
Apr 27, 2014
Hey, you're more than welcome to ask and we appreciate the work you are planning to help food compatibility.

Yes you will need the MicdoodleCore sources in your project as well, they provide those @AltForVersion annotations (etc). Just grab them from https://github.com/micdoodle8/MicdoodleCore

It's my bad for not covering that on those wiki pages, fixing now.


Nov 8, 2014
Bingo! That did it.

I merged the src folder from MicdoodleCore into my Galacticraft folder; that alone wasn't enough, but once I reran the three gradlew commands to resetup my workspace Eclipse finally "got the plot" and all my errors went away. Thanks!

While waiting for a response I tried checking out MicdoodleCore and telling Eclipse to reference that project, but it didn't seem to work at all. This did the trick :)

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