Ideas for GalacticCraft


Mar 24, 2013
Gravity generator
Works like a Compressor but can reduce or add more gravity.(More Power = Greater Change

Space EXP
Used to fly to further planets and syestems
Finding wonders on a planet adds XP like a stone henge a broken spacecraft.
Or doing trades or visiting planets and surviving

Space Station Rename
As title says

Faster Space ships and further
Space ships go to 1200Y but the space ship takes forever(No Offence)
maybe you can config this or add faster ships

Space ships Keep fuel and items in
When you fall on to a planet.Your items in your Spaceship go into the chest. Maybe they should be kept inside the same as fuel. This would be like a chest + Backpack using NBT tags to store

Ships can contain upto 2 Players(Can be upgraded)
Ships can be privated
Ships can be recolored
Ships can have the owners face if privated
Ships Can go though special block called Spaceship Wall )Go to next Subtitle(
Ships have a locking syestem on so when you started your ship(While its in the air) you cant unEquip

Lastly, Space Wall
SpaceWall is a block that if a spaceship touches it instaed of it going or space ship exploding the Spacewall Dissapears while the rocket go's though
Example is if you want a rocket in your house.

Also when is the API for modders coming out :p


Mar 29, 2013
– There should be a MASA instead of NASA for Minecraft Aeronautics and Space Administration.
– There should be a way to extract and produce hydrogen from the moon.
– The hydrogen should be capable of being used to power vehicles, stations and more.
– Once you kill a space creature or a player you should be able to use their air tank, mask and other resources for your own benefit.
– Arrows can't fly but drop close in an environment with no air or gas to provide support or lift.
– You should be able to make a dome with extendable sections to allow for a breathable environment to be created.
– There should be a hatch to pressurize and adjust the level of air when walking in and out of the dome to avoid a catastrophe when air would be gushing out of the dome.


Mar 31, 2013
– There should be a MASA instead of NASA for Minecraft Aeronautics and Space Administration.
– There should be a way to extract and produce hydrogen from the moon.
– The hydrogen should be capable of being used to power vehicles, stations and more.
– Once you kill a space creature or a player you should be able to use their air tank, mask and other resources for your own benefit.
– Arrows can't fly but drop close in an environment with no air or gas to provide support or lift.
– You should be able to make a dome with extendable sections to allow for a breathable environment to be created.
– There should be a hatch to pressurize and adjust the level of air when walking in and out of the dome to avoid a catastrophe when air would be gushing out of the dome.

I agree with the enclosed enviroment idea, and the hydrogen fuel sources but i wish to disagree on 2 points:
>Why would you want to get hydrogen from the moon? It is easier and less costly to make it on earth.
>Arrows would fly like they do on earth, they would just fall slower. The lift on the arrow is provided by the initial impulse of the bow itself, even on earth. Atmosphere has nothing to do with it.


Mar 29, 2013
I agree with the enclosed enviroment idea, and the hydrogen fuel sources but i wish to disagree on 2 points:
>Why would you want to get hydrogen from the moon? It is easier and less costly to make it on earth.
>Arrows would fly like they do on earth, they would just fall slower. The lift on the arrow is provided by the initial impulse of the bow itself, even on earth. Atmosphere has nothing to do with it.
Yes, your right but the hydrogen on the moon would be to refuel and power space ships from the moon and structures to sustain life and grow food, and allow animals to live. It would be costly to have to transport hydrogen from earth. Anyway you should be able to do both, make liquid hydrogen from water on earth and from the ground o the moon.
Your right about the arrow the initial force propels it forward but it wouldn't fly slower, it would go faster because there is less friction from air. And try launching an arrow without it's feathers, it doesn't fly straight, the same effect is experienced in a place with no atmosphere, so it drops as far as the energy used to propel it throws it.


Mar 31, 2013
up above you said it would drop close, am i to assume you mean afar? you are correct, the feathers do make it more accurate by creating a spin on the arrow, but to implement this inaccuracy is in my opinion not worth the time it would take to code it, the time would be much better spent by implementing other planets and better oxygen and so forth. And i agree, the current slo-mo way that arrows work at the moment needs to go.


Apr 1, 2013
What if you introduced a tech level were to set up a space station you need to go up into space and come back down and when you get that done you need to go to the space station twice or so and you can go to the moon and so on.

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