Elaborate space ships


Mar 10, 2013
You guys are saying it like "Add this and that and this and even more" and expect it to be added. The thing is, i dont think you understand how hard this is to implement... not everything can be added.

lol at least i know what i say (with the idia i said coud be done but would be varry hard to do but its practicaly the same thing as this topic. but i wish i posted it here) and also i dont expect him to do anything with my idia thats why im going to take it opon my self to try to learn how to mod and then when i do i will see if i can help him bay adding in the idias that will work with the mod and leaving out the ones that are just repeat idias of the same thing) i have loads of free time on my hands and if i get in to it with mic (if mic lets me) and the fact that im going to be self teaching my self to code and work on my own project first that will start off as a mod to mine craft but i hope this works out and i also hope then when i can mod that mic lets me help him :)

added in part
also note that mic will be doing the chousing and that the idias (in my openuon should fit the theam of mine craft) so i dont know if my idia or if any idia on this post will be picked (up to him and he might add some be for i can mod also he might not let me help wen i can mod all up to him on what will hapen.


Mar 10, 2013
Sounds a bit like my Project Horizon idea. Also, launching from there to another location would take significantly less fuel than launching from Earth. Since ya know, there's no gravity hindering the space ship. That was to Jeron L


Mar 10, 2013
lol well u would still have to get to it by space ship on the surfis of the planet to the mother ship
and its also more costemisable.

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